Facial Injectables
Your smile doesn't end with beautiful teeth, nor should your trip to the dentist! Do you know about Facial Injectables?
When you look in the mirror do you feel like your face has aged beyond your years - making you look older on the outside than you feel on the inside? Or do feel like the features around your mouth are a little thin and could use some help? Do the corners of your mouth droop downwards making you look sad even though you're happy?! Too much time in the sun left you with deep lines and dull skin? We may be able to help!
Look in the mirror and see if your top lip is still there. If you take a side profile picture of your face, can you see your top lip? Or is it totally flat? Are you wondering where it has gone?! Or have those grooves between your nose and lips become more depressed so the folds of skin droop down? Is there a deep groove like a puppet line that connects your lips to your chin?! You are not alone! These are a few examples of the complex 3-D process of facial aging! Do not fret - there are ways to reduce these signs of aging without invasive surgery!
If you answered Yes to any of the above questions you may be a great candidate for cosmetic injectables. At Wellington Road Dental Care we take a global approach to facial rejuvenation.
The way your face ages is not just due to changes in your skin. Changes in your muscles, fat (yes fat in our faces is a GREAT thing) amount and distribution and underlying bone structure also contribute to facial ageing. Essentially, certain muscles can get overworked, and everything else deflates and droops downwards. We take all of this into account when we plan what's best for your face.
There are three facets to facial aging and we offer four targeted approaches to help
Micro-needling for Skin
The largest organ in the body is our skin - and it greatly influences our perception of 'health'. If your skin is lovely, clear and radiant you will feel more confident with less makeup! Healthy skin can significantly enhance any other cosmetic injectable treatments you have.
What is micro-needling is good for?
- Fine lines and wrinkles, especially those hard to budge smoker's lines!
- Acne, trauma and surgical scars.
How does micro-needling work?
1000's of tiny punctures are made into your skin to stimulate your body's own repair mechanism. As the skin repairs and heals it also tightens and remodels - reducing fine lines and scars. All these tiny holes in the surface of the skin provide access for repairing and plumping gels to be applied. During your mico-needling treatment, the gels are absorbed far more than topical application to the skin. As there's no chemical or heat trauma to your skin, the down time (recovery time) is very quick. Immediately after your treatment your skin will be very red. This can be masked with breathable makeup. Three to four days later your old layer of skin will peel revealing your new tighter, healthier skin underneath. We offer treatments in packages of three. The treatments are 4-6 weeks apart. Your skin's baseline health will determine how many treatments you need.
Is micro-needling painful?
Don't worry, it doesn't hurt! Before your treatment you will have topical numbing cream applied, so you can hardly tell you're having any treatment at all.
What else should I know about Micro-needling?
Micro-needling is a fantastic component of facial rejuvenation. Here are some things to keep in mind in order to prepare your skin and to get the most out of your micro-needling treatments.
- Sun protection. As lovely as a summer glow can be, harsh UV ages your skin prematurely. Moisturiser with SPF is a must for skin health in Australia.
- Hydration. Keep your skin well hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day and protect your skin with hydrating moisturisers.
- Quit smoking! This goes for all cosmetic treatments - smoking is one of the largest determinants on the outcome of your treatment.